年: 2002年
頁: 2293-2298頁
著者(和): 久保 智弘,久田 嘉章,柴山 明寛,大井 昌弘,石田 瑞穂,藤原 広行,中山 圭子
タイトル(和): 全国地形分類図による表層地盤特性のデータベースを用いた早期地震動推定
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 地形分類図,ボーリングデータ,増幅率,早期地震動推定,距離減衰式,K-Net
著者(英): Tomohiro Kubo, Yoshiaki Hisada, Keiko Nakayama
タイトル(英): Real-Time Strong Motion Estimations using Digital Maps of Sub-Surface Amplification Factors in Japan
抄録(英): We estimated the strong motion for real-time purposes using digital maps of the soil-type classifications and the amplification factors in Japan. We evaluated their accuracies by comparing the strong ground motions between the estimations and the records of K-Net for recent earthquakes in Japan. We estimated the strong motions using the amplification factors and the two methods: the attenuation relation (Si and Midorikawa, 1999), and an interpolation method using the records. We found that the second method gave more reliable results than the first method, because the first method strongly depended on accuracies of the source and path effects. However, since we may not be able to obtain quickly the strong motion records near highly damaged areas, it would be efficient to evaluate the strong motions using the first method immediately after an earthquake, then to replace them by the second method after getting the records. Finally, we compared the site amplification factors evaluated by the two methods. The first is based on the average of shear wave velocities from the free surface to the 30m depths using boring data. The second is the above-mentioned method based on the soil-type classifications. The comparisons showed that the first method was more accurate and reliable. Therefore, it may be necessary to replace the digital maps of the site amplifications by those using the first method, when we obtain boring data
キーワード(英): soil-type classification, boring data, amplification factor, real-time strong motion estimation, attenuation relations, K-Net
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集