年: 2002年
頁: 2241-2244頁
著者(和): 木村 智博,青山 清道,深澤 大輔,福田 誠,北村 直樹
タイトル(和): 豪雪地帯過疎農山村における冬期の地震対策に関する事例研究−新潟県十日町市の取り組みを例にして−
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 地域防災計画,積雪期地震対策,高齢者対策,豪雪地帯,被害調査
著者(英): Tomohiro KIMURA,Kiyomichi AOYAMA,Daisuke FUKAZAWA,Makoto FUKUTA,Naoki KITAMURA
タイトル(英): Study of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation during Winter in Village with Heavy Snowfall and Depopulation −Countermeasure for Citizen at Tohkamachi City in Niigata Prefecture−
抄録(英): In Hokuriku, Touhoku and Hokkaido area, occurrence of snow hazards always make social infrastructures or habitants devastated. Japan government legislated countermeasure for snowy area in 1962 in order to establish safer society. After that, floods, alluvion and snow disaster mitigation have been promoted to be safer and convenient even in heavy snowy area. However, lack in earthquake disaster mitigation consideration in snow period still makes it severely condition such as occurrence of big scale earthquake. In this paper, authors analyzed circumstances of disaster mitigation program in case of Tohkamachi City Niigata Pref. by using data from questionnaire survey or results of workshop participated by native habitants. Authors referred to countermeasure for aged people and moreover suggested desirable regional plan for disaster prevention based on the indication from Japan Society for Snow Engineering.
キーワード(英): Regional Plan for Disaster Prevention,Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Considered in Snow Period,Countermeasure for Old People,Heavy Snowy Area,Reconnaissance Survey
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集