年: 2002年
頁: 2237-2240頁
著者(和): 木村 智博,三橋 博巳,小林 俊一,藤野 邦夫,木戸 利秋,柳澤 尚代,菅原 京子
タイトル(和): 新潟県津南町を対象にした積雪期地震対策の事例調査研究
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 地域防災計画,積雪期地震対策,高齢者対策,雪害,公衆衛生
著者(英): Tomohiro KIMURA,Hiromi MITSUHASHI,Shun'ichi KOBAYASHI,Kunio FUJINO,Toshiaki KIDO, Hisayo YANAGISAWA,Kyoko SUGAWARA
タイトル(英): Study of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation During Snow Period in Case of Tsunan Town in Niigata Prefecture
抄録(英): Tohkamachi area in Niigata Pref. is well-known for its heavy snow. The yearly -average snow depth can be reached about 2m and the snow period can last approximately 4 months in a year. Shinano River active fault and Tohkamachi active fault usually in A or B level’s activity, are located in Tohkamachi or neighborhood region. Occurrence of earthquake during winter often make these areas devastated and the soaring aging ratio is tend to promote with comparison to the average level of Niigata Pref. In this paper, authors described outline of earthquake in snow period, analyzed the results of hearing and reconnaissance survey in case of Tsunan Town and Tohkamachi City. Therefore, authors provided specific countermeasures for old people from the point of view of earthquake disaster mitigation program.
キーワード(英): Regional Plan for Disaster Prevention,Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Consideration with Snow Period,Countermeasure for Old People,Snow Hazard,Public Health
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集