年: 2002年
頁: 2191-2196頁
著者(和): 石田 勝彦,大鳥 靖樹
タイトル(和): 都市の社会機能損傷評価に基づいた地震災害に対する次世代リスクマネージメント― 震災時の救急医療機能損傷評価と医療機関ネットワーク―
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 地震防災,リスク管理,都市機能,医療機能, 患者選別−治療−転送モデル
著者(英): Katsuhiko Ishida, Yasuki Ohtori
タイトル(英): Next Generation Risk Management for Disaster Prevention through Consideration of Urban Social Functionality - The Loss Evaluation of Emergency Medical Treatment Function and Network of Emergency Hospitals -
抄録(英): It is necessary that future earthquake disaster mitigation plans depend upon the evaluation of the loss of urban functions that play an important roll for lives of residents in town. In other words, the paradigm changes from the evaluation of fragility of urban structures to the evaluation of fragility of urban functions for living in a urban community. The simulation analysis of the evaluation of the loss of medical treatment function during earthquake was presented to serve as an example to make clear the importance of the consideration of urban function. To simulate the loss of emergency medical treatment function, triage, treatment, and transportation of patients relation was modeled, considering the network of emergency hospitals.
キーワード(英): Earthquake disaster mitigation, Risk management, Function of urban community, Medical treatment function, Model of triage-treatment-transportation of patient
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集