年: 2002年
頁: 2161-2166頁
著者(和): 田守 伸一郎, 矢持 耕太郎
タイトル(和): 長野盆地におけるGIS を利用した地震防災システムの開発−活断層を考慮した想定地震に対する地震危険度解析機能の作成−
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): GIS,長野盆地,活断層
著者(英): Shin’ichiro Tamori, Kotaro Yamochi
タイトル(英): Development of the system of the accident prevention in earthquakes with GIS on Nagano basin −Making the function of the analysis of the relative risk in earthquakes to supposed earthquakes about active faults−
抄録(英): The purpose of this study is to open out the system of the analysis in the relative risk of an earthquake and a disaster prevention with GIS on Nagano basin. This system has a database of the ground information, building information and the function of calculation in earthquake damages. This time, we make the function of showing target areas, showing boring data, calculation and showing the transfer function, judging the possibility of liquafaction, showing buildings data, and analysis of the relative risk in earthquakes. We think that this system is worth the simulation and the planning disaster controls by using usefully.
キーワード(英): GIS (Geographical Information System), Nagano basin, Active fault
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集