年: 2002年
頁: 1281-1286頁
著者(和): 大川 賢紀,亀井 宏之,張 鋒,木村 亮
タイトル(和): 軟弱地盤における動的相互作用を考慮した斜杭群杭基礎の耐震性評価
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 鋼管杭基礎,動的相互作用,斜杭,3 次元弾塑性解析
著者(英): Katsunori Okawa, Hiroyuki Kamei, Feng Zhang, Makoto Kimura
タイトル(英): Seismic evaluation of steel pile foundation with inclined piles within a soft ground
抄録(英): In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a group-pile foundation with inclined piles in loose sand is investigated by conducting dynamic centrifuge model tests and dynamic finite element analyses. In these tests, the responding acceleration of the superstructure and the loads of the piles under the earthquake are investigated. The dynamic features of the group-pile foundation with inclined piles are evaluated. Meanwhile the centrifuge model tests are simulated by dynamic finite element analyses, in which the deformation of the piles is carefully investigated. Moreover those analyses are compared with the current method such as separated method and responding method, and then it was found that dynamic analyses are effective for the seismic design of group-pile foundation with inclined piles.
キーワード(英): Steel pile foundation, Dynamic interaction, Inclined pile, 3-D finite element analysis
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集