年: 2002年
頁: 1155-1160頁
著者(和): 鈴木 比呂子,時松 孝次
タイトル(和): 液状化地盤におけるダイレイタンシー特性が杭の水平地盤反力係数に与える影響
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 振動実験,杭基礎,間隙水圧,地盤反力,変位
著者(英): Hiroko Suzuki, Kohji Tokimatsu
タイトル(英): Effect of Dilatancy Characteristics on Coefficient of Lateral Subgrade Reaction of Piles during Soil Liquefaction
抄録(英): The subgrade reaction of pile during soil liquefaction is back-calculated based on large shaking table tests conducted on soil-pile-structure models. The results show that the coefficient of subgrade reaction is controlled by the soil density and pore pressure around the pile, as well as the relative displacement between the soil and the pile, and that the pore pressure after soil liquefaction depends on the soil density, the relative displacement, and the level of input motions. A simplified method to estimate p-y relation after soil liquefaction is presented. The p-y relations computed by the proposed method are in good agreement with the experimental ones, indicating that the proposed method is promising for estimating p-y relations during soil liquefaction.
キーワード(英): Shaking Table Test, Pile, Pore Water Pressure, Subgrade Reaction, Displacement
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集