年: 2002年
頁: 919-924頁
著者(和): 森 洋,草野 郁,新井 曜子
タイトル(和): 遠心場準静的傾斜土槽実験による盛土斜面の耐震性評価
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 斜面モデル,遠心模型装置,傾斜実験,震度法,円弧すべり計算
著者(英): Hiroshi Mori, Kaoru Kusano, Yoko Arai
タイトル(英): Centrifuge Pseudo-Static Tilting Model Test on Seismic Stability of Slope
抄録(英): We estimated the seismic stability of a slope, by comparing the centrifuge pseudo-static tilting model test with a tilting soil container capable of experimentally reproducing the seismic coefficient method, with the conventional circular slip calculation on the seismic coefficient method. The critical horizontal seismic coefficient by experiments exhibited agreement with the result of circular slip calculation. The observed slip failure surface by experiments, however, was shallower than the calculated circular slip failure. Also, it was possible for this experimental method to simulate the influence of slope stability with the prevention work. Therefore, the efficiency of the static seismic resistant method obtained by this experimental method was indicated.
キーワード(英): Slope model, Centrifuge model simulator, Tilting test, Seismic coefficient method, Circular slip calculation
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集