年: 2002年
頁: 901-906頁
著者(和): 菅野 高弘,小濱 英司,三藤 正明,塩崎 禎郎
タイトル(和): 発破を用いた港湾・臨海部都市機能の耐震性向上に関する十勝港における実物大実験
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 現地実験,液状化,埋立地盤
著者(英): Takahiro Sugano, Eiji Kohama, Masaaki Mitoh, Yoshio Shiozaki
タイトル(英): Seismic Performance of Urban, Reclaimed and Port Areas - Full Scale Experiment at Tokachi Port by Controlled Blasting Technique
抄録(英): A full scale experiment using controlled blasting to induce liquefaction was conducted on November 13, 2001 and December 14, 2001 at Tokachi Port in Hokkaido Island, Japan to investigate seismic performance of structures such as sheet pile quay wall, group pile foundation, gas pipe line, buried structures, etc. The test site was reclaimed with dredged fine sands about 18 months before the test. The depth of reclaimed sand deposit layer was about 8 m and the test field area was 4,800 m 2 (50 m by 96 m). In this paper, the outline of the full scale experiment project is discussed.
キーワード(英): Full scale experiment, Liquefaction, Reclaimed land
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集