年: 2002年
頁: 881-884頁
著者(和): 東畑 郁生
タイトル(和): 重力護岸の流動変位予測のためのモード解析
抄録(和): -
キーワード(和): 重力式護岸,液状化,変形解析,変位,波動伝播
著者(英): Ikuo Towhata
タイトル(英): Modal displacement analysis for quay wall subjected to liquefaction
抄録(英): Earthquake liquefaction causes significant lateral displacement in gravity quay walls which in turn affects the backfill area. Prediction of lateral displacement of this kind often requires detailed modeling of soil which relies on precise and detailed soil investigation and laboratory tests. To overcome this time consuming and expensive procedures, the present paper proposes a brief but rigorous method in which the displacement distribution of soils around a quay wall is predetermined based on model test results. Liquefied sand underlying a gravity quay wall is assumed to be a viscous liquid as laboratory shear tests have recently demonstrated. The rate of propagation of effects caused by the wall movement was given theoretically and used to assess the range of affected area in the behind the wall.
キーワード(英): gravity quay wall, liquefaction, displacement, wave propagation, displacement analysis
記事区分: -
区分: 委員会論文集