掲載雑誌(和): 岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム講演論文集 Vol: 18巻 年: 1986年 頁: 261-265頁 著者(和): 小出 仁,西松 裕一,小泉 昇三,星野 一男,金川 忠,中山 芳樹,井上 朗,山本 清彦,菊池 慎二 タイトル(和): 関東・東海地域における地殻応力測定と測定法の比較 抄録(和):
- キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON ROCK MECHANICS 著者(英): hitoshi kaide,yuichi nishimatsu,shozo kaizumi,kazuo hoshino,tadashi kanagawa,yoshiki nakayama,akira inoue,kiyohiko yamamoto,shinji kikuchi タイトル(英): Comparison among Several Methods for Stress Measurement in the Kanto-Tokai District,Japan 抄録(英):
The Geological Survey of Japan and the University of Tokyo collaborated to measure the state of tress with the purpose of application for the earthquake prediction research in the Kanto-Tokai District, Japan. The stress mearurements were made mainly with the overcoring technique, in which a tree component borehole deformation gage was inserted, and overcored in a shallow borehole drilled vertically trom the gound surface. In some cases, hydraulic fractureing technique, overcoring with an inclusion stress meter, Serata's tube method and deformation rate method are also used for comparison with the results by the stress relief method with a borehole deformation gage. The National Research Center for Disaster Prevention also masde in-situ stress measurements with the hydraulic fracturing technique in deep boreholes up to 800m depth for the earthquake prediction research. Thus, these measurements, combined with several oh\ther stress measurements, made the Kanto-Tokai District one of the most densely stree measured areas in the world. Althouth the difference of 20-25 is observed among the measured directions of the greatest horizontal principal compressive stress in the some area, the measured stress directions coincide within this error range even if the methods for stress mearurements are differect. the relatice figures of state of stress, measured with different method, are somilar, but the comparison of absolute values of stress is difficult cmong different methods. The direction of maximun horizontal compression is generally east-west in the northern part and northwest-southeast in the southern part of the Kanto-Tokai District. But the direction of maximum horizontal compression is disturbed greatly in the south-central part where three plates interact each others. キーワード(英): - 記事区分 - 区分    委員会論文集