掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 350/I-2号 頁: 227-236頁 年: 1984年 月: 10月 著者(和): 大石博,関口宏二 タイトル(和): 埋設管路の地震時ひずみ発生機構に関する二,三の考察 抄録(和):
埋設管路の地震時挙動の把握のため, 1977年より埋設管路の地震観測を実施している. 観測された多くの地震の中から, 宮城県沖地震(1978.6.12)・伊豆半島東方沖地震(1980.6.29)・千葉県中部地震(1980.9.25)の3つの地震に関し, 波動論的立場より, 地盤の波動伝搬特性と管体ひずみの発生機構との関係について考察を加えた. また, 地震観測結果に基づいた埋設管路の地震応答解析法を提案し, 解析ひずみ波形と観測ひずみ波形との比較により, 提案している解析手法の有効性を示した. キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): タイトル(英): CONSIDERATIONS ON STRAIN-OCCURANCE MECHANISM OF UNDERGROUND PIPELINES DURING EARTHQUAKES 抄録(英):
In order to study the dynamic behavior of underground pipelines, the earthquake observation has been continued on an underground pipeline since 1977. Out of over twenty earthquakes observed since the installation of instruments, theMiyagiken-Oki earthquake, the Izuhanto-Tohooki earthquake, and the Chibaken-Chubu earthquake were taken up as examples. A closer investigation by evolutionary spectra analysis and phase velocity analysis was made to make clear the relationbetween the strain measured on the underground pipeline and the ground motion. The method of the seismic response analysis of underground pipelines was proposed taking account of the results of above-mentioned earthquake observation. To prove its effectiveness, the strains obtained by using this method were compared with observed ones. In result was proved the effectiveness of this seismic response analysis method. キーワード(英): - 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集