掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 350/I-2号 頁: 105-114頁 年: 1984年 月: 10月 著者(和): Zoran MILUTINOVIC,亀田弘行 タイトル(和): 非線形地震応答スペクトルの統計的推定モデル 抄録(和):
本研究は, 弾塑性系の応答スペクトル(凝似加速度応答)を,減衰定数5%の線形応答スペクトルに補正数を乗じて求める簡便法を示したものである. このモデルは,動的地震動を静的な地震荷重に変換する等価加速度の概念と結びつけて開発されたものであるが,それ以外にも,非線形応答スペクトルフ推定問題で種々の問題に応用できる. キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): Zoran MILUTINOVIC,Hiroyuki KAMEDA タイトル(英): STATISTICAL MODEL FOR ESTIMATION OF INELASTIC RESPONSE SPECTRA 抄録(英):
A simple method is developed for calculation of inelastic response spectra for arbitrarily predetermined values of ductility and damping. Period-dependent Ductility & Damping Reduction Factor (DDRF) is defined as a scaling factor that convert 5%-damping elastic response spectra into an inelastic response spectra for desired damping and ductility. It is formulated as a product of two functions interrelating the ductility, damping and natural period, and a period-band-dependent matrix of regression coefficients which are statistically quantified onthe basis of Japanese strong motion data set. Influence of site effects on DDRFis studied by classifying the strong motion records according to the soil condition classification employed in the Japanese Earthquake Design Specifications for Highway Bridges. On this basis a closed-form statistical model is proposed forprediction of a site-dependent inelastic response spectra for a given soil condition, ductility and damping. キーワード(英): _ 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集