掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 IV 巻: -巻 号: 347/IV-1号 頁: 77-84頁 年: 1984年 月: 7月 著者(和): 川上英二,秋山成興 タイトル(和): 水平振動を受ける二軸車両の挙動とそのモデル化についての一考察 抄録(和):
振動軌道上の車両の挙動を力学モデルを用いて計算する際に,車両のように減衰の大きな系ではばねの特性を正確に与えることが,車両の挙動の推定結果に支配的な影響を与える。本論文は実験に基づいてばね特性の推定を能率よく行うための新しい一つの方法を示すとともに,実際の模型車両の力学特性について検討を加え,従来行れている復元力特性の近似化の精度を検討したものである. キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 著者(英): タイトル(英): DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF TWO-AXLE FREIGHT VEHICLE ON VIBRATING TRACK AND EXAMINATION OF ITS MATHEMATICAL MODEL 抄録(英):
In computing the response of railway vehicles on a suspension bridge under the horizontal excitation due to winds or earthquakes, each vehicle has oftenbeen modeled as a mass-spring-system composed of three rigid masses, representing one car body and two wheel sets, connected by springs, representing linkage leaf-springs and wheel-rail interaction. Although the mechanical characteristics of springs play a crucial role, they are difficult to determine experimentally when viscous and frictional dampings are remarkable as well as non-linearity. In this paper a technique is presented to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of springs experimentally. Using a 1/5-scaled model the hysteresis curves of each spring are plotted, and they are compared with those estimated from static experiments. Then noticeable dynamic effects on them of the input frequency and amplitude are observed. キーワード(英): - 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集