掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 344/I-1号 頁: 225-234頁 年: 1984年 月: 4月 著者(和): 小坪清真,高西照彦,井嶋克志,園田敏矢 タイトル(和): 送電線のばね定数の振動数特性 抄録(和):
送電線との連成を考慮した超高送電鉄塔群の振動特性解析の一方法として,送電線を鉄塔をつなぐばねと見なし,そのばね定数の振動数特性を連続体理論から求め,模型実験により理論の検証を行った.地震波が鉄塔を通して送電線に働く場合の動的付加張力の成長の解析結果から,ばね定数の算定には多数のモードを採用する必要はなく,張力モードの大きい2〜3 野モードのみを採用すればよいことを明らかにし, それらのモードの特性を調べた. キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): Seima KOTSUBO,Teruhiko TAKANISHI,Katsushi IJIMA,Toshiya SONODA タイトル(英): FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS OF SPRING CONSTANTS OF A SUSPENDED TRANSMISSION LINE 抄録(英):
Frequency characteristics of spring constants at both ends of a suspended transmission line subjected to horizontal periodic dis placements at one end are obtained theoretically by using the method of modal analysis and by analyzingthe equations of motions directly, Both results agree well with each other and with the experimental results of a transmission line model. They show that the spring constants at both ends are not always equal and positive, but have frequency domains in which the spring constants are negative, The time histories of additional tensions in a transmission line subjected to earthquake-like excitationsare computed by using the former method, and it is presented that only a few vibration modes which have large tension modes contribute to the seismic responsesfor tensions in a transmission line. キーワード(英): _ 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集