掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 422/I-14号 頁: 225‐234頁 年: 1990年 月: 10月 著者(和): 川島一彦, 杉田秀樹, 加納尚史 タイトル(和): 正負交番軸方向荷重を受けるシールドトンネル模型の変形および破壊特性 抄録(和):
- キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTUAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): - タイトル(英): Deformation and failure characteristics of shield tunnel models subjected to alternative axial loading. 抄録(英):
Construction of shield tunnels (segmented tunnel) is growing in recent years for traffic, water supply, sewerage and common utility ducts in urban area. Because they are extremely important as lifeline facilities, development of seismic design method suitable for shield tunnels is quite important. Stiffness of the tunnel exhibits highly nonlinear behavior, i.e., stiffness of the tunnel in tension depends on the stiffness of the ring‐joint, while the stiffness of the tunnel in compression depends on the stiffness of the concrete segment. Furthermore, interaction between the segment and concrete lining generally placed inside the tunnel make the behavior of the tunnel extremely sophisticated. Therefore, to study the deformation and failure pattern of shield tunnels, axial loading tests under alternative tension and compression were conducted. This paper presents a result of the loading test on the deformation and failure pattern of the shield tunnels subjected to alternative axial loadi キーワード(英): shield tunnel, seismic resistant design, deformation characteristic, failure mode, stiffness in tunnel axis 記事区分 - 区分     論文集