掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 422/I-14号 頁: 85‐96頁 年: 1990年 月: 10月 著者(和): - タイトル(和): 個別要素法による岩屑流解析 抄録(和):
- キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTUAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): タイトル(英): Distinct element analysis of dry rock avalanches. 抄録(英):
The mechanical behavior of a particle assembly is described based on Cundall's Distinct Element Method (DEM) which uses an explicit numerical scheme. The DEM is a numerical technique specifically designed to solve problems where continuity cannot be ensured throughout the analysis. We used this method to study the flow mechanism of dry rock avalanches which frenquently take place following strong earthquakes. On the basis of the results obtained from a numerical simulation, we conclude 1) that the largest pieces of rock float up to the surface of the flow and 2) that they become concentrated at the front of the flow. キーワード(英): - 記事区分 - 区分     論文集