掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 410/I-12号 頁: 243−251頁 年: 1989年 月: 10月 著者(和): - タイトル(和): 構造物の応答時刻歴を用いた入力地震動と構造パラメータの同定 抄録(和):
- キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): TOKI K,SATO T,KIYONO J タイトル(英): Identification of structural parameters and input ground motion from response time histories. 抄録(英):
We report a procedure by which structural parameters and input ground motion are identified from measured responses only. We have assumed that the coda of the response time history represents the free vibration response of the structural system. Because the coda is not effected by the input ground motion, we can first identify such structural parameters as the masses, damping coefficiets and spring constants from this part of the record. Input ground motion then is estimated from the full record and the identified parameters. The identification and estimatation are made with the Kalman filter. To verify the effectiveness of this procedure, we have simulated the responses of a linear, three-degree-of-freedom system for different earthquake inputs and made estimations us キーワード(英): identification, Kalman filter, structural parameters, input ground motion 記事区分 - 区分     論文集