掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 III 巻: -巻 号: 388/III-8号 頁: 33‐42頁 年: 1987年 月: 12月 著者(和): 田中幸久, 高野準 タイトル(和): グラベルパイルによる改良地盤に関する各種算定方法の原位置実験結果による検討 抄録(和):
- キーワード(和): - 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 著者(英): タイトル(英): Verification of calculating methods for gravel piles using in‐situliquefaction tests results. 抄録(英):
A series of studies have been conducted in order to develop a new designing method of gravel piles against liquefaction of level ground during earthquakes. In this report, we verified usefulness of the designing method which had been already proposed using upon in-situ liquefaction test results. As for excesspore pressure and surface settlement of the improved ground, experimental results coincide well with calculated results. キーワード(英): - 記事区分 - 区分     論文集