掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 374/I-6号 頁: 541-548頁 年: 1986年 月: 10月 著者(和): 中山隆弘,小松定夫,角田直行 タイトル(和): 構造振動系の非定常スペクトル応答解析法について 抄録(和):
Hammond‐Shinozukaの入力‐出力関係式について概要を述べ,次いで,複素変調法による不規則過程の変調関数の算定法を提示し,さらに実地震動に対する1自由度振動系の応答解析を行った結果に基づいて,本文で提示する応答解析法の有効性を示す。非定常スペクトルを媒介とする外力と応答の関係式,変調関数の算定法,数値解析例などを説明 キーワード(和): 構造物;スペクトル解析;振動応答;応答解析;確率過程;地震動;一自由度振動系;複素変調法 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): Takahiro NAKAYAMA,Sadao KOMATSU,Naoyuki SUMIDA タイトル(英): NON-STATIONARY RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS 抄録(英):
Hammond has analyzed the non-stationary response of both single and multimode systems subjected non-stationary excitations by using Priestley's evolutionary spectral density. Unfortunately, his method has a fatal drawback, because amodulating function representing non-stationary state of excitation is restricted to real positive values. Furthermore, certain asymptotic forms of the response are intuitively assumed. After two years, Shinozuka showed that the input-output relationship derived by Hammond is also valid without such restriction even under the assumption of asymptotic form. However, this relationship could not have been concretely applied to the response analysis of dynamic systems because ofa difficulty in estimating a modulating function included in it. In this paper,an effective method to evaluate a modulating function is developed by using complex demodulation analysis. Then, the present method is applied, as an example, to the response problem of a single-degree-of-freed キーワード(英): evolutionaly spectrum,non-stationary excitation,earthquake response 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集