掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 374/I-6号 頁: 457-465頁 年: 1986年 月: 10月 著者(和): 上杉真平,大津政康 タイトル(和): 境界要素法による半無限弾性体における二次元波動場の解析 抄録(和):
境界要素法の半無限領域問題への適用性を明らかにし,いくつかの解析例を示す。一重層ポテンシャルによる無限領域における波動問題の解析法の定式化(間接法)を示す。次に,これを半無限領域の問題に適用するための手法について考察する。二次元波動問題と積分方程式として,支配方式と境界条件,基本解,数値解析手法などについても説明 キーワード(和): 地震波;半無限体;二次元;波動伝搬;境界条件;積分方程式;数値解法;境界要素法 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): Shinpei UESUGI,Masayasu OHTSU タイトル(英): BEM ANALYSIS OF THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELASTIC WAVE FIELD IN A HALF-SPACE 抄録(英):
An alternative method for calculating the two-dimensional scattering of P, SV and SH waves by near-surface inhomogeneities is presented. As problems areclassified into the elastodynamic problems in a half-space, the BEM formulationbased on a fundamental solution in a half-space is usually employed. A fundamental solution of the SH wave field in a half-space is obtained with no difficulty, but the problem of the P and SV wave fields in a half-space is of complicated nature. In the present paper, we replace an infinite stress-free surface in a half-space by a trancated boundary of finite length and propose a method to apply the fundamental solution in an infinite space to the problems in a half-space. On the basis of the indirect boundary element method formulation, the feasibilityof the method presented is investigated by solving several problems of P, SV and SH wave fields. キーワード(英): elastic half-space,two-dimensional analysis,indirect BEM formulation,elasti wave problems 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集