掲載雑誌(和): 土木学会論文集 I 巻: -巻 号: 374/I-6号 頁: 237-445頁 年: 1986年 月: 10月 著者(和): 東原紘道,森谷保,田島二郎 タイトル(和): 南備讃瀬戸大橋アンカレイジの固有振動に関する実証的研究 抄録(和):
標題アンカレイジの振動計測によって,その固有振動数を同定し,さらにこれに基づいて,基礎地盤の弾性定数を推定する。データ取得の方法と得られたデータの内容,振動特性についての準備的考察,周波数分析による1次モードの同定と地盤の弾性値の考察,本橋の耐震性の検討などを説明 キーワード(和): 橋台;定着部;固有振動数;振動測定;基礎地盤;弾性係数;耐振性;周波数解析香川;本州 四国連絡橋 掲載雑誌(英): JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 著者(英): タイトル(英): AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE NATURAL VIBRATIONS OF AN ANCHORAGE OF SOUTHBISAN-SETO BRIDGE 抄録(英):
South Bisan-seto Bridge is a long span suspension bridge whose anchorages are all located in the sea. They are tall and heavy ; accordingly, their eigenfrequencies are low and these may become close to those of the towers. The coupling between these structures is very harmful. On the other hand, the mechanical proprties of the ground are difficult to know and the precision of the estimation remains relatively poor. It is therefor indispensable to examine the dynamicalproperties of the anchorages by neans of in situ measurement of vibrations. Natural vibrations of an anchorage are observed and its eigefrequencies indentified. It is concluded that the frequencies of the anchorage are considerably high and the reestimated stiffness of the ground agrees well with that which was formerly obtained from the elastc wave velocity date of the neighboring ground. キーワード(英): - 記事区分 投稿論文 区分     論文集